Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Quick, easy perfection loop

The perfection loop is a knot I kept seeming to have trouble with. Here is a really short video I found that really helped me out. Most of the other directions I had found for tying it were confusing. I can tie it without a problem now. Is there a knot you struggle with? Post in the comments below.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

New flies, first impressions

I recently picked up Orvis' 20 Top Flies selection and wanted to give my quick first impression of them. First off they look to be high quality flies and well tied. Not that I expected anything less from Orvis. The 20 flies offer a good variety that should catch trout, bass, bluegill and crappie. These are definitely proven patterns. I like how Orvis has included the fly name and size on the inclined card and the species and times of year and conditions at to when to fish them. It is very helpful for beginners just learning their flies. Wooley bugger, included, is a pattern that imitates lots of aquatic insects that fish love. Time will tell how well they will hold up, but I'm fat more likely to lose them while fishing than wear them out. I'll be sure to let everyone know how they do once I get a chance to fish them.

If you've fished these flies or have your own Top 20 picks be sure to comment below.

Monday, December 23, 2013

Working in the cold

Although it isn't as cold today here where I live as it was a few weeks ago, it's the winter months that make me wish I had a job working indoors. As good as working indoors sounds to me in the winter, I just can't stand being in a cubicle or any other job that would keep me confined within four walls. I've had problems keeping myself warm this winter for some reason.

Here are a couple of quick tips for keeping warm when you work outdoors.

Limit skin exposure.

Wear a hat or some type if head covering.

Hot drinks (I've recently started drinking coffee) and warm foods help keep your core temperature up so you don't get as cold. So consider those instead of a cold sandwich or cold drink such as a soda.

Hot hands are great. Especially if your job is such that you can't we're gloves.

Everyone stay warm out there and if you have any tips for working outdoors in the cold please leave a comment.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from Boneyfiddle